Tuesday, March 4, 2008

MBA (Morons, Butt-Heads, Anarchists) Chronicles – Part 1

Hellooo, this is my first ‘real’ post and as always I am having mixed feelings about it. Anyways, I don’t wish to get into any more senti-butt-boring-talk, so I’ll get straight to the point. This is going to be a series of posts that will chronicle my MBA experience (not necessarily in chronological order). Yes! This should be news that I am doing an MBA, but I’ve been doing it for the last 8 months and you can understand what I think of it when I call MBAs as “Morons, Butt-Heads, Anarchists” (“A&%-kissers” is more appropriate, but I dream that this will become a family blog, Ha!).

So, this first blog is dedicated to one of my Profs in college. Let’s call him Blue Yucknik (BY). He is one of my favourite Profs of all time and I am sure that all my colleagues will have a similar opinion about him. Favourite because he didn’t care what we did in his class. Our activities during his class included playing the national-college-sport “Copter” or sleeping with eyes-closed or reading-newspapers-turned-upside-down or cuddling with your partner (gay and lesbian included) or (everyone’s favourite) watching high-class-Indian-porn.

Anyways, this is about one particular incident that stands out during the life-and-time of BY’s sessions. It was one his usual class where he was giving an uber-boring lecture on IT strategy. After about an hour of bum-blabbering, he gave us an equally bum-interesting activity: To visit Fidelity’s website and analyse how well they have constructed their website and how user-friendly it is. As you would expect, more than half of the class was in their own Alice-in-pornland and the rest were trying to electrocute BY (poor him) with their 440-watt-menacing-stares. Obviously, no one paid any heed to his crap-tivity. But (here’s a Hiroshima!), I took special interest in this activity and alongwith my friend Sameer, visited the website, www.infidelity.com. We were browsing through their message-boards, reading stuff like “a wife with 2 extra-marital affairs crying foul over her husband for having 6 (Good Beelzebub!) extra-marital affairs”. We were so engrossed in such short stories that we didn’t realize BY was standing behind us and staring right through us into our laptop. Before we could say anything, he commented: “Good, you are doing some deep analyses here. You can see how useless stuff has been posted on Fidelity’s message-board. How can Fidelity solve their customer’s marital problems? Fidelity is their financial advisor and not their relationship advisor”

No words can describe our feeling at that moment. It was like getting feather-tickled, but without the maddening-laughter. That was the moment that I felt the proudest in my life for my achievement (special mention to my dear friend Sameer, without whose support I would never have been able to achieve success). And it would not have been possible without the “efforts” of our most-beloved Prof, Blue Yucknick (no pun intended).


Suri said...

Superb !!
Fan-tas-tic !!

And all the blah blah compliments..

Great kickstart to ur blog.. if leave that pathetic first post,i.e. :)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.